The essence of consulting is the growth of the Client's business

An entirely new way to think about your business

to achieve this goal, we combine quality with mutual trust, commitment, and openness.


Quality & trust

BUSINESS CARE Advanced Solutions gathered a highly specialised team of tax consultants, chartered auditors, lawyers and accountants, as well as HR and payroll specialists with experience in delivering numerous projects for Polish and international Clients.

Our teams combine expert knowledge in the fields of auditing, tax and operational accounting solutions, as well as business, financial and transactional consulting.

As a member of the ABSL, CCIFP, SPCC, AHK, and BPCC we not only exchange experiences with the elite groups managing these associations’ member firms but also share our knowledge through regular publications and training prepared by BC Advanced Solutions.


Business area

  1. Accounting outsourcing for domestic and foreign capital companies, in full compliance with Polish law and  International Accounting Standards, also within the Client's structures
  2. HR and payroll administration, also in the Client's structures
  3. Tax Representative (EU) / Tax Representative (outside the EU)
  4. Accounting and tax supervision
  5. Legal and tax advisory
  6. Business consulting
  7. Enterprise Cost Management


Company policy

We know that the essence of consulting lies the development of the Client's business. This goal is achieved by combining the highest quality services with mutual trust.

For entrepreneurs, business is often a passion, mission, and purpose. They require their partner to be a trusted advisor, not just an expert.

In a partner relationship with the Client, we support companies in making the right decisions and effectively overcoming barriers to their business' development.

our mission

The success and constant development of a company require attention to multiple aspects of the business simultaneously. All areas of the organisation must develop harmoniously for a dynamic company to fully achieve its objectives. 

At BUSINESS CARE Advanced Solutions, we look at the Client’s business from a broader perspective. We see our role in supporting our Clients in maintaining long-term company growth to unleash their business development potential.

We are aware of the importance of business optimisation, regardless of the industry. We aim to combine both knowledge and mutual trust to achieve your goals while optimising costs.