What makes us different

In partnership with the Client, we help companies make the right decisions and effectively overcome barriers to the development of their businesses.

All areas of the organisation must develop harmoniously for a dynamic company to be able to fully achieve its objectives

  1. Membership in the following organizations: Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland (ABSL), French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFP), Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC), German-Polish Chamber of Commerce (AHK), and British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC)
  2. Services in foreign languages
  3. Knowledge of International Accounting Standards, including the Accounting Act of Poland (UoR), IFRS/IAS, US GAAP, and the German Commercial Code (HGB)
  4. Specialisation in the provision of services to capital companies
  5. Experience in providing services to foreign  and corporate Clients
  6. Third party liability insurance of PLN 2 000 000 + additional insurance policies
  7. Ability to take over the Chief Accountant, Controller / Financial Analyst, Financial Director function
  8. A dedicated Client Manager - Keeps the Client informed of any risks or optimisation opportunities regarding the business
  9. Consultancy hotline, depending on the needs of the Client: Tax and labor law
  10. Invoice scanning
  11. Electronic document flow (EDF) 
  12. Archive
  13. Adaptability and reactivity to the needs of the Client (services in foreign languages, flexibility regarding software use)
  14. Comprehensive service from a single provider
  15. Handling responsibilities regarding institutions such as the Polish Tax Office (US), National Labor Inspectorate (PIP), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), and Central Statistical Office (GUS)